Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The pattern of Patterns !

A very important characteristic of the patterned-crops phenomenon was the tendency of the configurations to become increasingly elaborate over time. They progressed from simple swirled circles to circles with rings and satellites, to still more complex patterns.
In 1990 came still more complex patterns, dubbed "pictograms." There were also free-form shapes (e.g., a "tadpole"-like design), a witty crop triangle, and the hilarious bicycle (see Hoggart and Hutchinson 1995, 59). There also appeared beautifully interlinked spirals, a Menorah, intricate "snowflake" and stylized "spider web" designs, elaborate "Torus Knot" and "Mandala" emblems, pentagram and floral patterns, and other distinctive formations, including an "Origami Hexagram" and several fractals (mathematical designs with a motif subjected to repeated subdivision)-all consistent with the intelligence of modern homo sapiens.
At the end of the decade came many designs that included decidedly square and rectilinear shapes, seeming to represent a wry response to the hypothesized swirling "vortex" mechanism.
A special characteristic of the cropfield phenomenon is its avoidance of being observed in action. It is largely nocturnal, and the designs even appear to specifically resist being seen, as shown by Operation White Crow. That was an eight-night vigil maintained by about sixty cereologists in June 1989. Not only did no circles appear in the field chosen for surveillance but-although there had already been almost a hundred formations that summer, with yet another 170 or so to occur-not a single circle was reported during the period anywhere in England. Then a large circle-and-ring formation was discovered about 500 yards away on the very next day!

Monday, September 11, 2006

A bit about Crop Circles

Although thought by many to be a phenomena of the 20th Century, crop circles and formations have been around for a very long time, and records even date back well before the invention of the camera.The most well known positive depiction of a crop circle is found in a woodcut made in 1678 with the title 'Strange News out of Hartford-shire’.The recorded incidence of crop circles in more modern times seems to have started in the early 20th century, with a gradual increase in numbers through to a marked incr4ease in the 1960’s, leading to a quite dramatic upturn in the 1990’s. There are many who are under the impression that crop circles are only indigenous to the U.K. Sure, they are more prevalent here than elsewhere in the world, but there are countless examples of them appearing all over the world - in the USA from 1920, in Europe from the mid 20th century and in Africa, Canada, Australia, Central & Southern America, Russia in 1970, and Japan in the late 70’s.
Source WorldMysteries

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Mysterious straight line

A huge worth considering puzzle is the mysterious alignment of the world's major ancient sites. Easter Island is exactly aligned along a straight line around the center of the Earth, with the Nazca lines, Ollantaytambo and the Great Pyramid of Egypt. Other world wonders that are within one tenth of one degree of this alignment include: Perseopolis, the capital city of ancient Persia; Mohenjo Daro, the ancient capital city of the Indus Valley; the Oracle of Zeus-Amon at Siwa; and the lost city of Petra. The Ancient Sumarian city of Ur and Angkor temples in Cambodia and Thailand are within one degree of latitude of this alignment.Something totally Mind Bogglin!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Faith v/s Science

It is unfashionable to discuss spiritual matters in the media. Notice how the news reporters would never dare to bring up the question of spiritual matters in a news report. If there are catastrophes in the world or any kind of problem, then we are told there is some "scientific explanation". But do we forget that "science" is itself only one facet of God’s creation? Science cannot explain everything, and not everything can be explained in terms of scientific equations. But the scientific deception wants to show us that either we must believe in science or God - but not both. This is a false assumption, for science itself is merely one facet of God’s creation, and therefore it only can be useful under a limited set of conditions. Once those conditions are exceeded, it is only the spiritual which can explain anything more. The system is trying very hard to make us give up our natural spiritual knowledge of God and put all our faith in science and the material realm. But we are admonished.....I am making the point that the present world order is attempting to deceive humanity into the false belief that science offers an alternative to God, and that anyone who falls back on spiritual assumptions is foolish or uneducated. The system is doing this because it wants to completely alter the belief system which is based on a religious spiritual interpretation of life. And I tell you that the most uneducated simpleton who has faith in God is more wise than the most brilliant scientist who is an atheist, because that which the simpleton believes in will exist forever, but that which the scientist has put his faith in is only temporary.
from satan'

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Men on the Moon and UFO

According to a recent television documentary, the first men to walk on the reported seeing a . Astronaut , the second man to walk on the Moon's surface after Neil Armstrong, says space agency bosses covered up their sighting. He said: "There was something out there, close enough to be observed, and what could it be? Now, obviously the three of us weren't going to blurt out, 'Hey, Houston, we've got something moving alongside of us and we don't know what it is, you know?'" Aware of all the people who were listening in on the transmissions, the crew was concerned that "somebody might have demanded we turn back because of aliens or whatever the reason is." Instead, they asked Mission Control how far away the S-IVB was, the final stage of the rocket which had been jettisoned away 2 days earlier. After a few moments, Mission Control replied: "Apollo 11, Houston. The S-IVB is about 6,000 nautical miles from you now, over." To the crew, the object they were looking at clearly wasn't the S-IVB and they concluded 1) they weren't alone in space and 2) they weren't going to talk about it until they got back and were debriefed. To this day, whatever it was that the crew saw has never been positively identified or officially acknowledged.
From Daily Record UK