Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Mothman : The Garuda ?

"On a chilly fall night in November 1966, two young couples drove into the TNT area north of Point Pleasent WestVirginia, when they realized they were not alone." So reads a plaque on a commemorative statue of . Reportedly, Mothman is a winged humanoid monster seen in West Virginia from November 1966 to December of the following year. His appearance coincided with strange lights, apparitions of Men in Black and various other UFO and phenomena. These events culminated in the collapse of the Silver Bridge across the Ohio River, leading many to believe that the appearance of Mothman was an omen that portends disaster. In fact, there is a curse associated with Mothman that has led to the death or ruin of many people who have witnessed or are otherwise involved in the Mothman legend. Author of The Mothman Prophecies, John Keel, suggested that the Mothman might an evil entity known as the "", a half-man, half-bird deity from ancient Hindu mythology.

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